Season 2 Episode 1: Lauren and Shaina A New Cycle Another Season


There is so much going on in the world right now

and as the divine feminine is rising, her awakening presence is the one doing the shaking and showing the structures that make people feel stuck, their trauma bubbling to the surface.

Amid all this chaos, it is easy to lose hope, which is why for Season 2 on The Time of the Feminine Podcast, Lauren and Shaina’s goal is to cultivate hope so that we listen to the Earth, not get lost in all the shaking, and stay firm in our connection to the divine and the truth within her bodies. Lauren and Shaina are in the process of decomposing, which is letting go of old ways of being like the patriarchal conditioning and pre-existing societal expectations. It is through letting go and surrendering to the current where we find true freedom where we are not attached to material security like money, fame, or career.

Lauren and Shaina also talk about the power of empathy. Through empathy, we can hold a grand range, the vastness of the human experience, and even the brokenness of the world. What makes empathy a superpower is the pulling back of the veil, lifting of the eyes to see clearer, and an intelligence that can hold a great scope of the human experience. This in turn can create effective conversations where people are not blaming or cancelling each other but are being understanding through our similar and different experiences.

Season 2 is a quest to decompose and resolidify in personal and intimate truths as Lauren and Shaina dive into hot button issues through a soulful lens. Join them again every Thursdays as they hear more deep and personal stories and journeys from new guests.

What we discuss…

01:19 – Season 2 Introduction

02:50 – The Divine Feminine Rising

06:13 – Decomposing and Composting

12:45 – Descending into the Underworld/Winter Phase

18:08 – Playing God and the Journey of Maturing

22:39 – Revoking Abortion Rights in the US

27:02 – Harmony and Diversity

29:31 – Season 2: Decompose, Reaffirm, Reconnect

Learn more about the Global Sisterhood


Instagram: @theglobalsisterhood


Season 2 Episode 2: Leading with the Feminine with Nina Simons


Episode 28:Jamie Elizabeth Thompson: Pleasure with Power and Purpose