Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 83: Transforming through the Storm with Lauren and Shaina

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Shaina discuss how each of their lives has been transforming and what they are learning from the very nature of it. They discuss how challenge can be a great learning experience, and share several life experiences they each have had, and explored how much potential for growth their has been. They end the call with discussing the upcoming course hosted by the Global Sisterhood called The Spirit of Transformation. This a three week, guided spiritual container held by indigenous leaders and pioneers Hushahu Yawanawá and Kenewma Yawanawá.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 82: Living in Between Dreams, Realms, and Reality with Toko-Pa Turner

Toko-pa, whose name was chosen from her parents from a book of poems called “Technicians of the Sacred” by Jerome Rothenberg, is a Canadian author, teacher, and dreamworker. She is known for her work in exploring the realms of dreams, creativity, and the human psyche. Through her writings and teachings, Toko-pa delves into the significance of dreaming, the healing power of storytelling, and the importance of embracing one's authentic self. She has authored books such as "Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home," and her website serves as a platform where she shares her insights, teachings, and workshops on these topics.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 81: Being a Warrior Goddess During Tumultuous Times with HeatherAsh Amara

Best-selling author, mentor, land steward, and philanthropist, HeatherAsh Amara has spent the last three decades weaving together earth-based wisdom, mindfulness, and practical strategies for creative, courageous, and compassionate individual and community change. She is the author of 9 books, including the bestselling Warrior Goddess Training series and The Seven Secrets of Happy and Healthy Relationships with don Miguel Ruiz Jr

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 80: The Suppression of Mary Magdalene - Pulling on the Red Thread with Elizabeth Schrader Polczer

Dr. Elizabeth Schrader Polczer is an American biblical scholar who concentrates on textual studies concerning Mary Magdalene, the Gospel of John, and the Nag Hammadi corpus. Before joining the academe, she was a singer/songwriter professionally known as Libbie Schrader and is currently an Assistant Professor of New Testament at Villanova University.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 79: Transforming Fear to Love with Lauren Walsh

How do we transform the fear that lives deep within us? How do we heal the divide between peoples, nations, and cultures? In this episode, Lauren flies solo sharing intimate thoughts from her heart about the nature of fear, how to transform the mindsets of scarcity, and how we can solve seemly unsolvable problems, from the wisdom of the heart.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 78: Let’s Discuss Transgender Spirituality with Jonah Welch

Jonah Welch is a modern trans mystic; visual artist {abstract comic}; devotional poet; student of medicine; prayer anchor, rosary dealer; rogue philosopher; spell-maker; student & teacher of stones; alchemist; researcher of trans and non-binary spiritual history; explorer of modern trans spiritual practices; dream interpreter; facilitator; speaker; animist; visitor — here for now.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 77: Are You Special? with Lauren Walsh and Shaina Conners

Lauren and Shaina explore the shadow and light of wanting to “be special.” From where they are from in the United States, they both share they have felt the desire to be noticed, seen, and to be recognized for having a special gift. They explore where this comes from a cultural and religious perspective and dissect some of the gifts and shadows within this desire. They discuss what it means to be “special” and if that desire is even a good one. As we come into the Rise of the Feminine - will individuality and specialty support our world or will collective belonging offer a better outcome for us all?

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 76: Channeling the Ancestors and African Spiritual Wisdom with Araba Ofori-Acquah

Araba Ofori-Acquah is a healer, DJ, cultural curator and award-winning writer who practices and teaches an African-centred approach to wellness. Her journey to becoming a healer began with herself through experiencing first-hand the power of talking therapies, mind and body practices and meditation. Inspired to create safe spaces for other Black people, Araba studied different healing modalities, including a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in India, an NHS-accredited Wellbeing Coach qualification and the study of Advanced Pranic Healing in Ghana. Her debut book 'Return to Source: Unlock the power of African-centred wellness' published by Hay House is available to order now.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 75: Encountering the Spiritual Force of the Yawanawa Tribe with Angelique Watson

Indigenous people live in direct connection with nature, gifting them powerful spiritual practices, and magic if you will, that have empowered their communities, way of life, and ultimately, their identity. Today’s guest is Angelique Txivã, who has been living with the Yawanawa tribe for the past 10 years and now shares the tribe’s mission of bringing the magic and teachings of the forest into the hearts of humanity.

In this episode, we discuss her first-hand experience of profound spiritual awakening and healing, living among the Yawanawa. We talk about dietas, healing ceremonies, nature’s medicine, Ayuhuasca, what it means to be healed and how creating a deep bond with the forest can truly change one’s life.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Episode 73: The Mothermind: Connecting with Ancestors, Dream realms, Rites of Passage and Motherhood with Makhosi Himi Gogo Thule

Makhosi Himi Gogo Thule is a devoted sangoma, diviner, prayer warrior, and healer. Sangoma is a Zulu term for a seer who brings forth messages from their ancestors to help or serve their community. This gift is a calling & a responsibility rooted in indigenous cultural knowledge.

Makhosi’s work acts as a bridge into shamanic ceremonial traditions from her lived cultural experiences guided by the elevated ancestors of her lineages from Burkina Faso, South Africa, & Ancient Kemet. Her healing practice is rooted in ancient African cosmologies, initiations & spiritual traditions that elevate our consciousness to return harmony within our inner and outer nature. She walks the path of a wisdom keeper devoted to preserving and honoring the ancestral way of healing.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 42: with Riane Eisler

Riane Eisler, JD, PhD, is the recipient of many honors, such as the Distinguished Peace Leadership Award earlier given to the Dalai Lama, and internationally known for her groundbreaking contributions as a systems scientist, futurist, and cultural historian. She is author of many books, including The Chalice and the Blade, now in its 57th US printing and 27 foreign editions, The Real Wealth of Nations, hailed by Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu as "a template for the better world we have been so urgently seeking," and Nurturing Our Humanity, Oxford University Press, 2019, co-authored with Douglas P. Fry.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 41: Stories as a Pathway to Healing with Michelle Tocher

Michelle Tocher has been writing and telling warm, poignant, and humane stories often from a woman’s perspective. She is the author of the celebrated book “How to Ride a Dragon: Women With Breast Cancer Tell Their Stories”. She has recently published the lauded “The Tower Princess” as well as her new play “The Departure Train”. She has had a long career in communications and storytelling as President of Creative Premise LTD., a 10-year Toronto-based health communications company. She produced books and films for many organizations and community leaders, including The Canadian Pediatric Society, the Canadian Career Development Foundation, and the Women Scientists of Waterloo.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 40: Cracking the Business Code with the Feminine with Kate Murphy

Kate Murphy is a Canadian entrepreneur, founder of The Feminine Code, Co-Founder and former CEO of The Play Magnus Group, Investor, Business Advisor as well as an Initiated Priestess. Kate’s work is focused on raising the feminine - both through the path of the priestess and through business. As a priestess, she walks the path of priestess with women in her 1:1 mentorship containers as well. It is her life's work to help guide and weave the feminine and masculine together, in business and inner worlds.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 37: Healing the Mother Wound with Bethany Webster

Bethany Webster is a writer, international speaker, and transformational coach. She started blogging in 2013 about the Mother Wound and quickly experienced worldwide demand for her work. Through blending research on intergenerational trauma, feminist theory, and psychology with her own personal story, Bethany's work is the result of decades of research and her own journey of healing. Bethany speaks, consults and mentors around the world sharing her growing body of work that is raising the standard of women’s leadership and personal development.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 36: Waking up to the Bigger Picture with Linda Starwolf

Linda Star Wolf has been a vision­ary teacher and shamanic guide to thou­sands of people over the last 35 years. Starting out as a therapist in the mental health and addictions fields in the 1980’s, Star Wolf is a nationally certified alcohol and drug counselor who draws from her personal experience of recovery from addiction.

The author of several books, she is the creator of Shamanic Breathwork®, the co-creator of the Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process (SHIP), and the Founder of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, a non-profit organization, and Founder and President of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies. Star Wolf is also the co-founder of the Shamanic Mystery Tours and takes spiritual seekers all over world to explore sacred shamanic sites.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 35: Healing the Shame and Embracing the Wisdom of Pre-Modern Times with Seraphina Capranos

Seraphina Capranos is a clinical herbalist, homeopath, initiated priestess with a practice spanning over two decades, as well as being deeply engaging as a teacher and speaker. She has a clinical practice on Salt Spring Island. Unique blend of gifts straddled the vast world of plant medicine, homeopathy, and ritual and ceremonial practice. She is a sought-after international teacher and the founder of The Center for Sacred Arts.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 34: Remembering Stories to Weave the World Anew with Sylvia Linsteadt

Sylvia V. Linsteadt was born in San Francisco, California in 1989. She studied Literary Arts at Brown University. Her books include Our Lady of the Dark Country, the award-nominated middle grade fantasy duology The Wild Folk and The Wild Folk Rising, the novel Tatterdemalion with artist Rima Staines, and the award-winning collection of essays, Lost Worlds of the San Francisco Bay Area. You can listen to Sylvia read selections of her stories on her popular podcast, Kalliope’s Sanctum. She currently lives in Devon, England with her little black Cretan dog and a hive that is expecting bees.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 31: Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries with Shaina & Lauren

Shaina and Lauren share their early days and how they formed Global Sisterhood into the important and impactful organization that it is today. They speak about feminine business and how they relate to it; a spiritual path which has been interesting over the past few years because of their ideas coming to life and having its own mission and consciousness. Global Sisterhood is all about that: ideas, visions, hardships, and inspirations that fuel women towards their personal goals and missions in navigating the real world.

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Global Sisterhood Global Sisterhood

Season 2 Episode 30: Giving Birth to the Most Authentic Version of Ourselves through Ayurveda with Ananta Ripa Ajmera

Ananta Ripa Ajmera is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, Ayurveda practitioner and yoga instructor who believes that the greatest teachers are those who push you to own your true power. Having completed over 12 years of deep study with master lineage-based teachers from the Vedic spiritual tradition that gifted the world Yoga, Ananta writes about, teaches and leads spiritual wellness seekers worldwide on journeys from darkness to light in a way that seamlessly blends ancient spirituality with modern psychology and healthy living.

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