Episode 28:Jamie Elizabeth Thompson: Pleasure with Power and Purpose


The Great Feminine Divide

As Jamie Elizabeth Thompson calls it—starts in childhood. From a young age, most girls were bought up to believe that sex is taboo. But sexuality is a natural and essential aspect of human nature, and we intuitively know this.

The lack of safe spaces prevents women from exploring their sexuality so instead they carry shame about having erotic thoughts and desires. This ancient distortion still persists today to control the feminine.

To overcome this repression, women need to discern between their sexual truths and social conditioning. Question the rules and ask why you follow them. Delineate between what you truly believe and what you’ve been taught to believe. Don’t be afraid to dive into your sexuality, for that too is a spiritual path to the divine.

For so many women, sexuality only exists within relationships. Only with a partner do they feel safe to release their erotic side. Jamie encourages women to continue their pursuit of pleasure with themselves and with fellow sisters. Women can create their own contexts of sensuality without following limiting patterns. By fully embodying our erotic nature, there is a deeper sense of self-knowing. When we fully approve of ourselves, we cannot be easily swayed by outside forces who want to control us. 

Jamie is a holistic sex coach who equips individuals and couples with tools to help them break out of limiting sex patterns to have a more fulfilling intimate life. She is the founder of Awakened Woman, a curriculum and community for women to reconnect with their feminine sensuality and power and turn on their orgasmic potential.

What we discuss…

02:56 - Jamie's sexual liberation

07:28 - Reconnecting spirituality with sexuality

12:47 - Safety and permission for self expression

16:45 - Reverence of the dark, erotic energy

25:00 - Awakened Woman

30:20 - Creating containers for sexuality

37:36 - Sacred sensual practice

41:20 - Intuitive desire is protection

46:02 - The Great Feminine Divide

52:13 - The priestess archetype

56:20 - Overcoming triggers and respecting boundaries

1:01:22 - What's the message of the Divine Mother to us?

Learn more from Jamie: 

Website: jamieelizabeththompson.com

Instagram: @holisticsexcoach


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