Season 2 Episode 25: The Medical System, Mental Unwellness, and the Journey of Initiation with Kelly Brogan MD


“The first place that we can start to do the work as women, is to stop imagining that we know how another woman should behave.”

The medical system oftentimes feels like a cult where people are punished for speaking out against it. Kelly had been in it for the longest time but decided to break free from the cycle; us being the victim, the doctor being the rescuer, and the villain being your body. As Kelly began to recognize that taking responsibility, moving into the uncertainty, and taking the risk of being in the wrong, she realized that a big reason why many people don’t have a natural birth or take holistic medicine is because they’re programmed with the thought of ‘But what if I’m wrong?’. Kelly wants to reclaim the power of choice and the power of responsibility where you can be yourself, have your own thoughts, and make your own choices.

Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychiatrist and author of the NY Times bestselling book, “A Mind of Your Own”, “Own Your Self”, the children’s book, “A Time For Rain”, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She founded the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.

What we discuss…

01:09 – Introducing Kelly Brogan

11:04 – Dealing with Judgement and Being Triggered

16:36 – The Medical Field System

30:14 – Being in Alignment

35:46 – The Rise of Mental Unwellness

48:47 – Journey of Initiation

53:12 – Kelly in Behalf of the Great Mother

Learn more from Kelly:



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Lauren Walsh @Laurenelizabethwalsh
Shaina Conners @shainaconners


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