Season 2 Episode 17: A Guide to Spiritual Awakening and Divine Feminine Energy Work with Alana Fairchild (Rerun)


“Growth involves suffering, and life is a series of micro deaths” - Alana Fairchild

What exactly is the price of walking the sacred spiritual path? Where does pain end and peace

In this episode, we are rebroadcasting Alana Fairchild for the Shadow Season. Alana shares what
it means to channel the Divine Wisdom in our daily life and serve the heart despite our worldly
fears. While most of us see death as the end, Alana sees it as the beginning of another lifetime.
She introduces the Dark Goddess Kali and guides us away from the fear of dying into the truth of

Rage and anger can be transformed into an energy, and Alana gives us the tools to make it
happen. For her, the divine feminine intelligence doesn't give us control of things; it teaches us to
give up control and let the Spirit work for us. How do we learn to let go of the world and listen to
our soul? How do we navigate our worst traumas and find joy in the unknown?

Alana Fairchild is a modern mystic and best-selling author whose work greatly influenced the
mission of the Global Sisterhood. In the past 9 years, she's created over 20 oracle decks, 13
books, and 27 albums of sacred music and meditation. Her work has been translated in 11
languages and continues to awaken souls across the globe

What we discuss…

4:20 - Alana's encounter with the Divine Feminine while grappling with the systems of fear,
control, and oppression
9:20 - From a depressed law student to an enlightened psychic: Lessons on the divine feminine
13:08 - The price of going through the Divine Feminine Initiation
19:26 - A prayer to the heart, and how to navigate the crippling fear of the unknown
26:12 - What's the Kuan Yin Transmission?
30:40 - Redefining death and placing it in the context of the beautiful rebirth
39:40 - Connecting with the Dark Goddess Kali, and calling on her life-altering power

50:46 - How to consciously express the Feminine and confront rage, darkness, negativity, and
1:02:37 - Transforming our worst emotions into a power source
1:07:05 - Finding universality amid diversity by going back to the heart
1:12:14 - What's the message of the Divine Mother to us?

Learn more about Alana:

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Learn more about the Global Sisterhood

Global Sisterhood
Lauren Walsh @Laurenelizabethwalsh
Shaina Conners @shainaconners


Season 2 Episode 18: Healing the Competition Paradigm through Embodied Confidence with Tanya Lynn


Season 2 Episode 16: Dark Goddess: the Unconscious, the Shadow, and the Healing with Lauren & Shaina