Episode 25:Turiya Hanover: How to Harness Collective Anger Responsibly


Born in post-war Germany, Turiya carried collective trauma with no means of addressing it.

She and her husband experienced a profound change after their first encounter workshop and Jungian psychotherapy session in the 70s. They continued their search for enlightenment in India with mystics. While in India, Turiya’s husband suddenly passed away, leading her to have an identity crisis. She was unsure of who she was, now that she was no longer a wife. 

Turiya questioned not only who she was, but also the existing patriarchal structures and religion. Why are most spiritual paths run through men? What about women’s enlightenment? She started to feel anger towards the patriarchy for conditioning women to become submissive and manipulative. Instead of practicing Hindu detachment, she started exploring the pent-up trauma within. 

This anger that Turiya had is part of the collective rage toward the patriarchy. But anger is not about blaming others for our own suffering. On the contrary, Turiya believes that anger is energy—only by taking responsibility can we use this life force to live freely. Unexpressed anger can bring self-hatred. It’s not easy to deal with anger alone, oftentimes it’s better to heal within groups. Being seen and heard pulls us out of isolation, allowing us to feel safe and become more resilient. 

Turiya is the co-founder of Path Retreats and the founder of the Path of Love transformation process. She has been trained in many different disciplines such as Gestalt, Bioenergetics, Psychodrama, Family Therapy, NLP, Hypnosis, Somatic Experiencing, Ego Psychology, Family Constellation, Enneagram and Astrology and Essence Work.

What we discuss…

04:01 - Confronting ego structures

05:59 - From princess to hippie

14:44 - Trauma and women's enlightenment

20:27 - Surrender vs submission

27:41 - Bridging over death

35:20 - Dealing with anger & collective rage

51:39 - Connection is healing

01:01:49 - What's the message of the Divine Mother to us?

Learn more from Turiya: 

Website: www.turiyahanover.net


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Episode 26:Margaret Starbird: The Lost Bride of Christ


Episode 24:Raven Rose: Woman's Mysticism through Dreamtime, Plants, and Womb